Every year in October, people all around Florida go nutty for a good cause. It’s the Peanut Butter Challenge—an annual food drive to fight hunger. Throughout October, people are encouraged to donate unopened jars of peanut butter to participating UF/IFAS Extension offices throughout the state. Once the jars are collected and tallied, they’re distributed to…
If you have read anything to do with pasture management you have probably come across the phrase Integrate Weed Management. So what does this phrase mean and how can you utilize it in your pasture management program? Integrated weed management is both an economically and environmentally sound approach to weed management. This approach involves scouting, prevention,…
Building a garden bed can be daunting to say the least. But here at UF/IFAS we are total nerds about all things gardening and we have some tips on building a garden bed this season. A raised garden bed is simply a structure built to grow plants above the existing soil on a…
PARTICIPATE IN THE LONGLEAF PINE RESTORATION SURVEY Longleaf pineThe Forest Landowners Association is conducting a survey of private landowners in the Southeast to gain insights into the complexities and challenges of longleaf pine restoration on private lands and identify potential opportunities to mitigate these challenges. This survey is for anyone who owns or manages forestland in the…
Florida is no stranger to the powerful forces of hurricanes that sweep through its landscapes, leaving devastation in their wake. Hurricane Idalia, Ian, and Irma have all drastically impacted our local landscapes in recent years. While immediate attention is often focused on the visible damage (ex. uprooted trees, down limbs, etc.) caused by these storms,…
Palmer with ice corer during research project.UF/IFAS College of Agricultural and Life Sciences (CALS) student Katelyn Palmer spent this past summer conducting research in Greenland. The microbiology and cell science senior worked under UF/IFAS Microbiology and Cell Science Associate Professor Brent Christner. Their work focused on observing microbial colonies found in Greenland and their endurance within the extreme…
Palmer with ice corer during research project.UF/IFAS College of Agricultural and Life Sciences (CALS) student Katelyn Palmer spent this past summer conducting research in Greenland. The microbiology and cell science senior worked under UF/IFAS Microbiology and Cell Science Associate Professor Brent Christner. Their work focused on observing microbial colonies found in Greenland and their endurance within the extreme…
Choosing the correct material can help manage predation. Woven wire is not the best choice. Picture credit: Jonael Bosques UF/IFAS.Welcome to fall in Florida! During this time of the year our weather patterns start to shift, and with this come new challenges. If you own chickens, you know that you have an obligation to raise…
Wild Weeds – Weed of the Month Florida Toothachegrass Ctenium floridanum Florida toothachegrass is a perennial grass that has wide, bright green basal leaves and tall (2-3 ft) flowering stems. Flower clusters are narrow spikes held singly at the top of the stem, spikelets are held on one side of the spike and…
[CREDIT: U.S. Green Building Council]Sarasota County is proud to announce that it has achieved Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) “Gold” certification and national accreditation from the U.S. Green Building Council, an honor recognizing an array of efforts to increase sustainability and resilience across the county. Unlike certification for individual buildings, this designation evaluated sustainability and resilience…