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Making PPE Exciting!

Hello Avid Readers! Last week I spoke at an extension event for peanut growers in north Florida. The growers needed to get CEUs in Core material. For those of you who aren’t in the know, this basically means they needed to learn about pesticide safety. As this topic can be dry I did my best…

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The Antioxidant Power in Herbs and Spices

Herbs are the leaves of plants, and spices are the roots, bark, and seeds (anything that is not a leaf). Adding herbs and spices into cooking goes beyond adding flavor; they add surprising protective health benefits.  Herbs and spices are some of the most anti-inflammatory foods because they are packed with antioxidants! For instance,…

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Shining a spotlight on exterior lighting

Do you wake up to find calling cards left under your porch light by frogs and lizards? We can all agree that cleaning up the mess every morning is certainly annoying. Well, there’s an easy and inexpensive way to end the nightly poo-party without the use of pesticides, or any other product for that matter,…

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Video: Turfgrass Attracting Pollinators?

Centipedegrass is a low maintenance turfgrass for North Florida landscapes. Scientists from Georgia also found an added benefit when the grass is in flower. Learn about the specific insects found visiting the flowers of centipedegrass. by Beth BollesSource: UF/IFAS Pest Alert Note: All images and contents are the property of UF/IFAS.   

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Five ways to help honey bees

National Honey Bee Day is August 19, and there are many ways to support the powerhouse pollinators. “Honey bees are critically important to our food supply,” said Amy Vu, UF/IFAS Extension state specialized agent in the Honey Bee Research and Extension Laboratory (HBREL). The lab celebrates five years on the Gainesville campus this month. “Here in Florida,…

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Take-all Root Rot Fungicide Options and Their Modes of Action

Compiled by Mara L. Johnson, UF/IFAS Extension, Pinellas County Horticulture Program Assistant Take-all Root Rot damage, UF/IFAS photoUsing fungicide to combat Take-all Root Rot? If a fungicide that you are using to combat the fungus becomes ineffective, it is possible that the fungus has developed a resistance to the way the fungicide works. The way fungicides…

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Some Herbicides Are Killing Trees

Beware of weed killers containing MSM! If you are routinely spraying herbicides to kill weeds around trees and shrubs, beware.  Many products containing the weed-killer glyphosate also contain a chemical called metsulfuron-methyl: “Over the past few years, there have been numerous inquiries regarding damage to ornamental plants growing near turfgrass areas that have been treated with…

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Growing Summer Vegetables in Hernando County

What Can I Grow During The Summer? Summer in West Central Florida offers an excellent opportunity for gardeners to cultivate a variety of heat-loving vegetables. The problem is that many traditional vegetable crops do not grow well here in Central Florida like they do in northern states. With the right knowledge and techniques, you can…

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Know Your Heat Zone

Placing the right plant in the right place is crucial for gardening success, especially in the challenging climate we have here.  Most of us are familiar with plant hardiness zones but have you heard of heat zones?   Rhododendron in bloom by Anastasiya Dalenka on UnsplashThe lush and elegant garden of @Magdas_garden is one of my favorite…

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