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Invasive Species Workshop: Thrips parvispinus and Lebeck mealybug

Have you heard of Thrips parvispinus and Lebeck mealybug, two of the newest invasive pest species to impact horticulture in Central Florida, and are interested in learning more? The Mid-Florida Research and Education Center will be hosting an invasive species pest alert update for Thrips parvispinus and Lebeck mealybug on Wednesday, June 28 from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.…

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All About Saturated Fat

Saturated fat is a type of dietary fat that can be harmful to your heart and blood vessels. Not all fats are the same. Saturated fat is found in foods such as pork, lard, lamb, beef, poultry skin, shortening, whole milk, and butter. Saturated fats can also be found in coconut oil and palm oil.…

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Strong People Strength Training Program

Strength training is not just for bodybuilders – it’s for everyone! Come join us and learn how to properly use dumbbells and have fun too! Our strength training classes are designed for mid-life and older adults. Classes include resistance training, balance training, and flexibility exercises. This is a 6-week program that meets 2 times each…

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Mosquitoes, Open Containers, and Rain … Oh My!

UF/IFAS Mosquito Experts I recently had the opportunity to collaborate with colleagues at the UF/IFAS Florida Medical Entomology Lab (FMEL) in Vero Beach, FL.  FMEL Assistant Professors Dr. Eva Buckner, Dr. Yoosook Lee, and Dr. Lawrence Reeves are impressive experts in the field of medical entomology which is the scientific study of mosquitoes and mosquito-borne diseases.  They…

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Pink Sundew – Wild Weeds

Wild Weeds – Weed of the Month Pink Sundew Drosera capillaris Pink Sundew is an insectivorous wildflower, catching insects for its nutrient source. You’ll find this interesting plant in wet areas, primarily pinelands, savannas, and bogs but also along pond edges or other high moisture areas. The plant blooms in the spring and has…

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Mites are not a disease

Felt-like damage on a Mexican PetuniaWhen does a blight on a plant look like a disease, but is not?  A Mexican petunia with a disease-like condition that is actually caused by microscopic mites is the answer!  Many gardeners who have Mexican petunias experience this plague from time to time.  It looks just like a fungus…

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Hurricane Season Has Begun: Time to Prepare

Hurricanes June 1st is the first day of the 2023 hurricane season in the Eastern part of the United States. This season will continue all the way to November 30, 2023. Last year brought us two hurricanes (Ian and Nicole), which crossed the state with Orange County, FL being very close to the crossing point. Catastrophic flooding…

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June First Friday with Florida First Detector

Recap of June First Friday with Florida First Detector Oak trees are important to our environment with various species growing throughout the world and 24 species native to Florida (90 in the U.S.). With the wide distribution of oaks, especially in the Eastern U.S., it is important that we protect these trees from invasive pests…

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Pumpout Nav mobile app for boaters expands to Florida

Florida Sea Grant, the University of Florida and the Florida Department of Environmental Protection are excited to announce that Pumpout Nav is available to Florida boaters. Boaters now have access to an interactive tool to locate more than 250 publicly available pumpouts, portable toilet dump stations, and mobile pumpout vessels throughout the state. Pumpout Nav,…

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