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Radiant Rudbeckias

Black-eyed Susans. A. Marek, UF/IFAS If you’re looking for a bright pop of yellow color in your flower garden, look no further than the lovely Rudbeckia. There are actually 9 species of Rudbeckia native to Florida (Atlas of Florida Plants), but the most famous of them are the Black-eyed Susans (Rudbeckia hirta). This stunning wildflower can…

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What You Can Do to Help Enhance Seagrass

Most of us in the Florida panhandle realize how important seagrasses are to the ecology of our estuaries.  Not only do they provide habitat for commercially important finfish and shellfish, but they also help trap sediments, remove nitrogen from the system, and slow coastal erosion.  But seagrasses throughout Florida have suffered over the last 50-60…

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The Time for Mixed Mowable Species has Come

In Part 5 of this series, we looked at a group of invertebrates that few people see, and no one is looking for – worms.  But in this article, we will be looking at a group that seagrass explorers see frequently and some, like the bay scallop, we are actually looking for – these are…

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The Time for Mixed Mowable Species has Come

A lawn by any other name… The “lawn” is a cult phenomenon in the United States.   Somewhere along the line, we associated a monoculture of a single grass species with the ultimate achievement in landscaping.  Unfortunately, this mindset has become entrenched in the collective psyche.  Even when it has become impractical and unsustainable, many refuse…

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PSA: Well water routine maintenance

Developed by UF/IFAS Extension regional specialized water resources agents Yilin Zhuang and Andrea Albertin If you obtain drinking water from your own well, you alone are responsible for assuring that it is safe. For this reason, routine testing for a few of the most common contaminants is highly recommended. Even if you currently have a…

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How Spending More Time Outside Can Benefit Your Health

In recent years, many of us have been spending more time indoors and less time outdoors. With busy schedules, it can be difficult to prioritize spending time outside and in nature. But, did you know that spending more time outside can actually benefit your health and improve your quality of life? Today we are going…

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PSA: Septic system maintenance after flooding

Developed by UF/IFAS Extension regional specialized water resources agents Yilin Zhuang and Andrea Albertin During floods or heavy rains, the soil around a septic tank and drainfield can get waterlogged, and wastewater from the septic system can’t drain through the soil. Help avoid major problems with your system by following these guidelines when flooding occurs:…

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Weekly “What is it?”: Popcorn trees

      The Chinese tallow, or popcorn tree, is found throughout home and wooded landscapes in northwest Florida. Photo credit: Carrie Stevenson, UF IFAS Extension You know those things you’ve done that seemed like a great idea at the time? But maybe in hindsight were poor choices? Well, our landscapes are full of bad ideas…

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My Adventure Birding at Lakeside Ranch

About Lakeside Ranch STA On an early Saturday morning in April, I went on an amazing birding excursion at Lakeside Ranch Stormwater Treatment Area (STA).  South Florida Water Management District manages the approximately 2,700 acre site which is available for visitors on foot or on a bicycle.  Its main function is to improve water quality flowing into…

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Elliott’s Lovegrass – Wild Weeds

Wild Weeds – Weed of the Month Elliott’s Lovegrass Eragrostis elliottii Photo by Mary Kleim, Florida Wildflower FoundationElliott’s Lovegrass is a perennial grass found in Florida flatwoods, sandhills, prairies, and disturbed sites. Lovegrass is a bunch grass but is not often noticed until the delicate flowering structures appear. There are so many flowers on this…

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