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No Mow March Event on March 27

If you are interested in learning more about pollinators that are important to wildlife, on our farms and in our lawns, landscapes and gardens, you’ll be interested in the No Mow March event. This event offers something for everyone from the wildlife enthusiast, farmer, home gardener to 4-H members and other youth. No Mow March is…

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Pickerelweed – Wild Weeds

Wild Weeds – Weed of the Month Pickerelweed Pontederia cordata Pickerelweed is an aquatic plant that can be found in open waters such as ponds, lakes, river edges, marshes, and swamps. This plant blooms in spring through summer and requires pollination by bees and other insects. The plant serves as a food source for…

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Exploring the Gulf of Mexico; Part 3 – Finding the Bottom

For centuries humans have been interested in what is on the bottom of the sea.  Stories and legends arose of mermaids and magical cities like Atlantis.  From the science side of things, the interest was there as well.  In the mid-nineteenth century geology students were told the ocean floor was a featureless landscape made of…

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Soil Testing at UF/IFAS Hillsborough County Extension

Florida’s year-round growing season is a great reason to love gardening. While we have different seasons, the one constant for our plants is the soil that they’re grown in. While we can control our plant’s water and fertilizer needs, we can’t always control the soil that they’re grown in. One easy metric to determine soil…

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Vines of Mistaken Identity

Mistaken Identities Look closely at the landscape. Creeping, crawling, and climbing slowly among our landscapes and natural areas lie plants of mistaken identities. Growing amongst our plants and trees, we may see vines. Vines grow along the ground or into the canopies of our trees. Left with minimal control, these vines continue to grow, continue…

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Vines of Mistaken Identity: Muscadine Grape

In the Vines of Mistaken Identify, we’re exploring the different types of vines commonly called “invasive” around Nassau County. Rather, in fact, these vines are not invasive and many of them are native too, which provides amazing benefits to our ecosystem and environment. It’s Important Value The Muscadine Grape (Vitis rotundifolia) is one of our…

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Vines of Mistaken Identity: Virginia Creeper

In the Vines of Mistaken Identify, we’re exploring the different types of vines commonly called “invasive” around Nassau County. Rather, in fact, these vines are not invasive and many of them are native too, which provides amazing benefits to our ecosystem and environment. It’s Important Value Virginia Creeper (Parthenocissus quinquefolia) is one of our vines…

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What’s lurking in Florida’s freshwater?

In this blog… Introduction Macroinvertebrates Field guide Water quality Experiment   Introduction What’s lurking in Florida’s freshwater? Well, many things, to be quite frank. From fish to birds to the occasional river otter, people can expect to find several wonders in the freshwater ponds, lakes, streams, and rivers that Florida has to offer. Now, a question…

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Where Do I Find What PPE to Wear?

All February we have celebrated National Pesticide Safety Education month, and have discussed PPE (Personal Protective Equipment). Well we have finally come to the last one, It’s Closing Time, and we have a final heads up on PPE. At the end you will hopefully understand that SDS isn’t just a catchy song, but a vital part to knowing Where…

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