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Growing a Green Thumb! Gardening class starts January

Levy County Extension hosts the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF-IFAS) Extension Master Gardener volunteer (MGV) training program. Meeting Thursdays, January 26 – April 13, 9 am – Noon, Levy County Extension office, 625 North Hathaway Avenue, Bronson. Addressing challenges of gardening in North Florida; making the most of limited (and…

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Florida Fall Foliage

Bring out the pumpkin spice and apple cider – autumn is here! However, nothing screams autumn more than fall-colored leaves. Despite Florida’s warm climate, there are some trees here that turn beautiful shades of yellow, orange, and red in the fall. On your next drive or walk through your neighborhood, look out for one of…

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Rain Barrels 101

It’s that time of year where daily afternoon showers bring a lot of rain. One way to take advantage of this rain is by installing a rain barrel. Rain barrels collect water that falls from your roof. This water can be stored and used for your indoor plants, landscaping, and lawn. There are many benefits…

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December First Friday with Florida First Detector

Recap of December First Friday with Florida First Detector On December 2nd, we covered the basics of invasive snails and slugs. Snails and slugs are a type of mollusk called a gastropod. Slugs are different than snails in that they typically lack a visible shell. For slug identification, we look at characteristics like the body…

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Stormwater ponds need to care too!

Stormwater ponds are commonly seen throughout the state of Florida. Typically, each is built with the intention to prevent flooding by giving rainwater an area of low elevation to run to and filter stormwater prior to it entering larger watersheds sheds. Stormwater basins are great at diverting and catching rain to prevent flooding. However, more…

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Holiday tree alternatives

Planning to decorate with a holiday tree in your home this year? Why not think outside the box? In Florida, there is no reason to limit your search to pines and cedars. Other evergreen species abound, and some of them make their own, edible ornaments. Visit a nearby nursery and give your imagination free rein…

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New chair: Andrew Short to lead UF entomology and nematology

New chair: Andrew Short to lead UF entomology and nematology  Andrew Short. UF/IFAS photo by Cat Wofford.Andrew Short joins the University of Florida as professor and chair of the UF/IFAS department of entomology and nematology. His tentative start date is May 15, 2023. Short will lead the highly ranked department of nearly 80 faculty members…

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Watersheds Celebrated in Farm City Week Speech Contest

Manatee County students in grades six through 12 were eligible to compete in the annual Farm City Week Manatee River Soil and Water Conservation District (MRSWCD) speech contest on November 7th. Designed to develop leadership through participation in public speaking activities and to stimulate interest in conserving our natural resources, the topic selected by the National…

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