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Weekly “What is it?”: Poinsettia

      Poinsettias ready for shipping in a Santa Rosa County nursery. Photo credit: Carrie Stevenson, UF IFAS Extension They are simple and beautiful symbols of Christmastime—these plants with deep red leaves, contrasting with the green ones below–the colors of Christmas on full display. Poinsettias (Euphorbia pulcherrina) are native to mountainous regions of Mexico, and there are…

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Find Your Frugal: Keeping Produce Fresh

About this series The rise of inflation continues to raise cost concerns, one of them being the price of food. The ripple effect of the yearslong COVID pandemic continues to rattle worldwide economies. Tie Liu, a UF/IFAS assistant professor in the department of horticultural sciences, shares tips to keeping produce fresh and minimizing food waste. With…

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Sherman Fox Squirrel

I have truly been rewarded for sitting at my home desk this Sunday afternoon working on the end of year report for 4th day consecutively. The view from my desk faces north, is a heavily wooded area, across from my front yard. A fast movement caught my eye, to my surprise it’s a large beautiful…

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Healthy Meals at Home

 How do you approach meal planning? Maybe you plan your menus weeks at a time while others may go for the day-by-day or meal-by-meal approach. Meal planning is essential when it comes to making sure you and your family are getting the nutrients you need to maintain or improve your health while staying within your…

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Nature’s Best Hope

Nature’s Best Hope, A New Approach to Conservation That Starts in Your Yard As the year draws to a close, and we start thinking about the holidays and gift giving, consider this book, by Douglas W. Tallamy.  If you are a nature lover, environmentalist, scientist, or simply love to garden, then this book is a must…

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The Joy of Christmas Trees

  Live tree farm The holiday season is approaching quickly, and nothing feels more festive than decorating a live Christmas tree. You can purchase a pre-cut Christmas tree, cut one yourself at a local tree farm, or select a potted living tree. Cutting a live tree can be a fun outing at a local Christmas tree…

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The Buzz on June Landscaping

With the start of June, we see the shift to our hot and humid summer. This is the month we see our summer flowers start to bloom as we prepare for hurricane season. Anyone that visits our Facebook page (@UFputnamhort) will know that we have several programs going on in June revolving around pollinators. This…

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Banker plants effective for managing thrips on roses

Chilli thrips are a nuisance to rose growers, as their feeding causes foliar and flower damage. For the first time, UF/IFAS researchers investigated the utility of a banker plant system for managing chilli thrips on roses. Recently published research in the Journal of Applied Entomology demonstrates the potential of this system for helping rose growers using two predatory…

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Queen and Washingtonia Palms are Under Attack

The culprit is a fungus known as Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. palmarum We continue to lose many Queen and Washingtonia palms in residential and commercial properties all over South Florida.  According to University of Florida IFAS Extension, early symptoms include a one-sided discoloration of the lower fronds (See photo).  Eventually all of the lower fronds turn…

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