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Thanks for teams that keep our food safe

Last year we needed someone fluent in USDA-speak and nimble enough to juggle 26 side conversations simultaneously. Fortunately, we already employed her.   Meri Nantz works in Food Science and Human Nutrition as a research administrator (RA). It’s her job to translate faculty research proposals into formal requests for funding.   It’s a job that doesn’t get much…

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Can We Eradicate the Invasive Beach Vitex?

If you read the introduction article to this series you would know that yes – based on comments from Dr. Simberloff, we can.  But your best chance at doing so is when the species is early in its invasion of the area – Early Detection Rapid Response (EDRR).  This can be seen again on the invasive species…

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Florida’s Rangeland

Rangelands in Florida are land with native vegetation that have adapted to Florida’s conditions and during the winter months these rangelands are grazed by livestock. Florida is home to 350 native grass species, but no native grasses are used in planted pasture. Planted pasture are forages that have been introduced from another location. These native…

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Weekly “What is it?”: Farm-City Week

Not every high school kid would give up a couple of days of their fall break to work on a farm, harvesting collard greens, or spend hours on their feet distributing food to the needy. But for years, Future Farmers of America (FFA) members and local Scouts have done just that—giving of their time and…

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Citrus Flower Bud Advisory Starts for the Season

LAKE ALFRED, Fla. — The University of Florida will resume providing growers regular flower bud advisories as the critical time for citrus grove management begins this winter. UF Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences associate professor Tripti Vashisth restarted the advisories Nov. 21 and will continue providing them every other week through the early spring.…

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Giving Thanks for the Growers

Thanksgiving reminds us to give thanks. A reminder is much needed for all of us! So many times all that we have does not easily register over the demands of work in all its forms, the things and experiences we wish we had, and the other struggles we face. Being an Extension Agent working with…

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Winter Landscape Fertilization

 Image credit: Wageningen University and ResearchFor plants to be healthy and grow they must use sunlight to produce foods from carbon dioxide and water. This process called photosynthesis involves the plant drawing up water from roots, and leaves taking in CO2 from the air and trapping energy from the sun. The energy from the sun turns…

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The Featured Creatures Collection

What is that!? Wondering about the green caterpillar you found nestled in your broccoli or the manylegged creature crawling up your pants leg? Learn all about it in the Featured Creatures collection on Ask IFAS! Creatures with Stories UF/IFAS’s Entomology and Nematology Department in cooperation with the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services’ Division of Plant…

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The multipurpose podocarpus

Hedge, Screen, or Tree – the Podocarpus Has Many UsesSo, you are interested in a hedge, but also a tree that is fairly wind-resistant?  Perhaps you would like a Podocarpus which can be used either as a hedge, a screen or even as a tree.  Read further for more information on this very popular woody…

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