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The Dolphin Tour

I recent took my granddaughter on a dolphin tour out of Pensacola Beach.  It was amazing.  It was a cool October morning, not a cloud in the sky, the winds were calm, the water crystal clear due to the lack of rain over the past few weeks, and the dolphins were out. They are amazing…

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Florida Land Steward Update, October 7, 2022

HURRICANE IAN RECOVERY We are thinking of those in southwest Florida who are facing a long road to recovery from Hurricane Ian. Many are now dealing with widespread destruction of crops, trees, buildings, fencing, and other property and infrastructure loss due to substantial wind and water damage. For producers located in counties where the USDA…

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Spotlight on Florida Master Naturalist Craig Weyandt, Superintendent-The Moorings at Hawks Nest Golf Course

The mission of the Florida Master Naturalist Program (FMNP) is to promote awareness, understanding, and respect of Florida’s natural world among Florida’s citizens and visitors. We’re highlighting graduates of the Florida Master Naturalist Program (FMNP) as part of a series. This blog features my interview with Florida Master Naturalist Craig Weyandt, Superintendent -The Moorings at Hawks Nest…

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Help Protect our Manatees!

Protecting Manatees is important especially here in Manatee County!  Please do you part to help our mascot and namesake. Protecting Manatees factsheet found HERE For more information contact or 941-722-4524 x1818 by Michelle Atkinson Source: UF/IFAS Pest Alert Note: All images and contents are the property of UF/IFAS.

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It’s #PeanutButterChallenge Time!

Food Insecurity in Florida Food insecurity is an obstacle many Floridians face. In 2021, it was estimated that roughly 2.2 million Floridians lacked access to healthy food, with just over 660,000 of which being children. In Orange County specifically, 13.8% of our residents, nearly 191,090 individuals, face food insecurity. During the month of October, the Peanut Butter Challenge is…

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Post Storm Landscape Tips

Immediately following storm: Identify and manage potential hazards Get help with any debris or branches near power/communication lines Watch for lifting roots that may interact with underground utilities or irrigation Check for leaning trees and hanging limbs, contact a professional arborist to assess Stand up smaller leaning trees Trees with trunks less than 4 inches in…

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Weekly “What is it?”: Coastal groundcherry

    An undisturbed dune in Perdido Key is full of ecological treasures. Photo credit: Carrie Stevenson, UF IFAS Extension Back in the day, pirates would scour the beaches for hidden treasure. On a recent trip out with a group of botanists and biologists, we combed the dunes of Perdido Key for a specific plant that hosts…

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World Food Day Brings Attention to Food Insecurity

Making healthy food choices is a challenge of willpower for many of us, but for others it simply isn’t an option. According to a USDA report, more than 38 million people in the U.S. experienced food insecurity in 2020. Food insecurity is defined by the United States Department of Agriculture as the lack of access, at times, to…

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