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Farmer’s Market Tips

Market Joy Oh the joys of a local Farmer’s Market. I’ve been a farmer’s market attendee since I can remember.  I spent many Saturday mornings strolling down a blocked off street, going from vendor to vendor spending the $10 or so my mom gave me. My go-to purchases as a kid usually raisin bread, goat…

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Find Your Frugal: Save on school lunches

About this series Rising costs have brought on rising concerns. The ripple effects of the years-long COVID pandemic continue to surface in economies worldwide, from grocery shelves to gas pumps. In an ongoing effort to help people – from producers to consumers – weather the storm, the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences…

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Can You Find a Coral Snake?

Most of you – okay… ALL of you who read this column like the outdoors.  Some like it for its peace and beauty, some for recreation opportunities, some like it for both.  One activity I have found many enjoy is seeking creatures from a list.  A sort of “bingo” approach to observing nature.   For…

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Build Your Own Rain Barrel

A rain barrel is an easy way to save water from a rainfall event to water your garden later.  You may choose to buy one ready made, or you can make it yourself. Finding a Barrel The first step of making a rain barrel is finding the barrel.  Some food processing plants will  sell them…

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Houseplants for Health and Wellbeing

It is well known that plants and gardening can promote wellbeing. Most of you reading this are likely gardeners or plant enthusiasts who have first hand experience with the myriad benefits caring for our green friends can impart. Caring for plants can improve our wellbeing by reducing stress, anxiety, depression, and insomnia. The presence of…

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Nocturnal Superheros of the Garden

Often underrecognized for their contributions to our environment, bats play a pivotal role in keeping insect populations under control while also providing fertilization and pollination services. Pest Control Emerging from their roosts at dusk, a single insectivorous bat can consume thousands of insects per night, reducing pest populations around gardens, agricultural lands, wetlands, forests, and…

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Don’t Worry, Bee Happy

The European honey bee A European honey bee collects nectar and pollen from the purple flower of Indigo Spires Salvia. Photo by David Austin The European honey bee has been in the United States for a long time. Brought here in the early 1600s by, you guessed it, Europeans.  The Honey bee may as well be…

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In the Garden, We Grow: A Garden’s Pest

The Inevitable Pests It is inevitable – any gardener can attest. Look closely and you will see a garden and its pest. But what is a pest? Usually when we think of the term “pest,” we may think of insect pests. Pests also include pathogens, microbes, nematodes, or weeds. A reality in every garden and…

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Artificial Intelligence For The Naturally Intelligent

All right, let’s talk about UF’s virtual genius elephant in the room: artificial intelligence (or “AI” for short). The University of Florida is currently taking leaps in the field of AI, and it is already impacting how we surf the internet, do business, and the way we look at plants and animals. What is AI?…

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