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‘Flip My Florida Yard’ season 2 streaming now

Earlier this year, 10 homeowners across 10 Florida counties were chosen to have either their front yard or their back yard “flipped” into a Florida-Friendly paradise. Now, the hard work of the landscape teams, planners and designers comes together when season two of ‘Flip My Florida Yard’ airs this summer on local PBS stations and…

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What is Hard Water?

Hard water is a result of dissolved minerals Calcium, Magnesium, and Manganese. Hard water is a very common problem, affecting water in more than 85% of the country (Water Quality Association). The term “hardness” is applied to the soap neutralizing power of water. Hardness is usually reported in terms of an equivalent concentration of calcium carbonate which is the amount…

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Provide for Wildlife- The Malachite Butterfly

Article by UF/IFAS Extension Broward County Urban Horticulture Agent Lorna Bravo Our urban yards are the first line of defense to protect local wildlife. Have you ever thought about what happens when a native wooded area is cleared for a building site? What happens to the creatures living in or visiting this area when the…

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Always wanted to be a UF/IFAS Extension Master Gardener Volunteer?

You can apply for the Fall 2020 Master Gardener Volunteer Class now! Master Gardener Volunteer Trainees toured Harry P Leu Gardens in Orlando with Director Robert Bowden.Do you enjoy gardening and want to know more about gardening in central Florida? Is conserving and protecting water quality important to you? Does acquiring new skills or expertise…

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Cool Tips for the Outdoor Life in Summer

 Got the gardening bug? Craving a walk in the park? Even in the extreme heat of summer some of us just need to get outdoors every day. Nature and nurture calls to us. Gardening and visiting the Fruit & Spice Park over the 3-day weekend (Father’s Day and Juneteenth) I relished the time spent outdoors…

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Weekly “What is it?”: Jubilee!

  High temperature projections throughout the southeastern United States for June 22, 2022. Map courtesy of Boy, oh boy is it hot this week. Temperature predictions for today in the deep South look like the grades of a high achiever trying to earn extra credit for everything. I’ve been seeing highs of 104, 103, and 101–and…

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Sugarcane Mosaic Virus

Sugarcane mosaic virus (SCMV) is a virus of great concern for turfgrass aficionados. This past Winter, a local landscaper and I observed mottled, discolored turfgrass in an HOA located in Naples. We submitted samples of the turf to the molecular scientists at UF/IFAS turfgrass diagnostic services, and received a reports confirming that SCMV is culprit. So…

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Whitefly, and Other June Pests in Jacksonville Gardens

Whitefly – under the leavesAs we round into June, the pest season heats up. Insects, being cold blooded, respond to the warming temperatures by growing rapidly through their life cycles. Whiteflies are a good example of this. These small pests take about 24 days to go through their immature stages and can live (and reproduce)…

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Prickly pears – pain and delight

Prickly Pear Cactus – Structurally OrnamentalDid you know that we have a native prickly pear cactus here in Florida?  This low-growing species has attractive yellow flowers and forms a spreading clump.   Prickly pears or Opuntia, such as our native prickly pear, are classic cacti found native to the New World.  In addition to cultivated ornamental…

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