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Fresh and Healthy Summer Salad Mix

I couldn’t let May slip away without sharing a video I made showcasing how I make my fresh and healthy summer salad mix.  There is no cooking involved – only chopping some vegetables. This recipe calls for only six ingredients. In honor of national salad month, I share with you this recipe. by Carol…

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Asian Vegetables Grown in Florida

  As Asian Pacific American Heritage Month comes to a close, let’s spotlight some Asian vegetables Florida growers produce. The below fun facts are from the Asian Vegetables Emerging in Florida series, published by the UF/IFAS Horticultural Sciences Department. Bitter Melon Bitter melon has been used in Asian and African herbal medicine for a long time, and its use…

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Stop and smell the jasmine!

I like to highlight public places to see plants, and besides our own amazing Master Gardener Volunteer Demonstration Garden on Harborview Road, and the Nature Park in Punta Gorda, the History Park in Punta Gorda is another place to enjoy beautiful, well-cultivated landscapes.  During a recent visit to the History Park I found a wonderful…

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It’s Been a Terrific Terrapin Season So Far

As the Sea Grant Extension Agent in Escambia County, one of my program areas is to help restore a healthy estuary.  To do this we focus on educating the public how to improve water quality, restore habitat, and manage invasive species, but we also focus on how to monitor fish and wildlife.  The fish and…

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This Hurricane Season, Be Prepared for Anything

 The 2022 Atlantic Hurricane Season begins June 1. Are you ready? Maybe you think you’re ready—you’ve got some bottled water and canned goods to last a few days. Maybe you plan to get those things, just as soon as you hear the next hurricane will really make landfall near you. But if you’ve been in a grocery store lately,…

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World Bee Day

When you read the word “bee,” what comes to mind?  Is it an image of a honeybee?  If so, you are in the company of most people.  Not many would argue the sweet benefits of this insect.  However, for me, I picture the clumsy, round bumblebee.  I can sometimes identify with these bees as they…

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Inside the mind of a spider

Photo above shows a male Evarcha culicivora. (Image provided by Lisa Taylor, UF/IFAS)For a creature that – legs and all – might be no larger than a pencil eraser, spiders continue to surprise researchers with their cognitive abilities. Lisa Taylor, a University of Florida entomologist, has spent her career studying arachnids. She says understanding how…

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