Author page: admin

Be Aware of the Risks of Eating Raw Oysters

Seafood is one of those foods people find delicious and a special treat when dining out. Many cultures have it as a mainstay of their meals. Seafood can be a nutritious part of a well-balanced and varied diet. This blog will focus on oysters. You either love them with lime, salt, and tabasco sauce…

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Florida’s Cosmetic Manufacturer Exemption

In Florida, a person can manufacture certain cosmetic soaps, lotions, moisturizers, and creams in their home per Florida Statute 499.01(2)(p). These specific types of cosmetic manufacturers do not require a license, permit, or inspection of their operation. Definitions What is a “cosmetic”? A cosmetic is an article, except soap, that is: (a) intended to be rubbed,…

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Suds in the garden

Large spikes of tubular flowers are attractive to hummingbirds Aloe plants are very popular due to their Its adaptability to a variety of conditions.  Besides the ever-familiar Aloe vera plant, there is another species known as the soap aloe or Aloe maculata.  Very ornamental and a great beginner plant for succulent growers, soap aloe will not…

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From Soil to Sky: Leaves and Branches

The following series of columns entitled ‘Soil to Sky’ are an examination of five different facets of environment, structure, and life that are instrumental to trees in our forests and landscapes.  Trees are instrumental to our wellbeing, both individually and collectively as a society. Healthy urban forests and natural areas are the responsibility of professional…

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Jaboticaba – A Fruit Worth the Wait

  This fruit tree is a superstar in Brazil. In the plant world, there are some superstars.  Sometimes it’s because of their beauty, like roses and orchids.  Sometimes it’s due to their usefulness like corn and bamboo.  Sometimes it’s because they have multiple assets.  Jaboticaba, or Jabuticaba, Plinia cauliflora, or Myrciaria cauliflora is one such plant. I…

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Building Good Credit: Truth and Falsehood

The persistent falsehood – leave a small balance on your credit card every billing cycle to build a credit score – has no basis in fact. The truth – if you leave a balance on your credit card – you accrue interest on both existing and new charges. This is an expensive practice and will…

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Do you need a Pesticide Applicator’s License for that?

Florida has a booming entomological clade and insects are inevitable nearly everywhere you turn. From protecting our homes, offices, fields and crops, pesticides are often our only line of defense against the damage these pests bring. But did you know that many of these pesticides require a pesticide applicator license to lawfully apply? Pesticide licensing…

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Celebrate Kids Eat Right Month with the Lovely Legume

Legumes are the star of this month’s UF/FSHN Taste Something New series! Whether you’re looking to sample a plant-based protein, boost the nutritional profile of your meals, or try a new recipe, we have what you’re looking for right here. Fruits? Got ‘em. Vegetables? Of course. Whole grains? Already on the dinner table. Legumes? ……

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