People usually ask about planting a butterfly or pollinator garden in the spring, just before our weather turns hot and dry. October, though, is the best month for starting wildflower seeds, therefore it has been selected as Native Plant Month. When Seeds Set If you observe wildflowers, most have set seeds by August and September.…
Beekeepers must have good management practices within their apiaries to succeed. One of these practices is splitting their hives when necessary to avoid the loss of bees through swarming.
A swarm of bees on a tree. Swarming is a natural process of honey bee colony reproduction. Photo Credit: Jonael Bosques, UF/IFAS Extension Hardee County.
Autumn weather means that leaves will be falling, and this might make it a good time to reassess your landscape professional needs. When choosing a landscaper, picking one who is well-versed in Florida-Friendly LandscapingTM practices can help you save money and help preserve the environment. When flora is planted and managed with locally focused, environmentally sustainable…
People usually ask about planting a butterfly or pollinator garden in the spring, just before our weather turns hot and dry. October, though, is the best month for starting wildflower seeds, therefore it has been selected as Native Plant Month. When Seeds Set If you observe wildflowers, most have set seeds by August and September.…
Did you ever feel like you had a burning secret, something that you wanted to scream to the world because it is so good, yet so few people knew about it? This is how I feel about persimmons. I’ll scream here. While they are a spectacular fruit borne of relatively low-maintenance trees, persimmons unfortunately reside…
South Florida’s lush landscape and subtropical climate make it a paradise for both humans and a diverse range of wildlife. However, in recent years, an invasive species has become a growing concern for the region, especially concerning our beloved pets. The invasive cane toad, also known as the Bufo toad, has established itself in South…
If your lawn has a history of winter annual weeds such as henbit, wild geranium, annual bluegrass, chickweed and lawn burweed, you can apply a preemergence herbicide to prevent these weeds from emerging. Apply it during October when nighttime temperatures drop to 55° – 60°F for several consecutive nights. This will be just before the…
Poisonous Plants in and Around Your Florida Home. Disclaimer. The following information is intended for use in Duval County. Florida is a diverse state with different growing conditions. If you garden outside of Northeast Florida, check with your local UF/IFAS Extensions agent for assistance. As the nights draw in, we turn out thoughts to the Holidays…
In the vibrant tapestry of Florida’s flora, two plants stand out – the invasive Mexican Petunia and the native Tropical Sage (Salvia coccinea). While one has found its way into gardens and landscapes, the other has deep roots in Florida’s native ecosystem. In this blog post, we will delve into the intriguing world of these…
Every September the Swamp Sunflowers finally begin opening their flower buds and by mid-October they are in full bloom! I use the word “finally” because it is a long journey from seedling to bloom for this flora species! Swamp sunflowers, Helianthus angustifolius, is a native herbaceous perennial that will die back every winter, and re-sprout in the spring.…
When October arrives in Florida, it may not bring the same fiery tree foliage that northern states boast, but the Sunshine State has its own unique way of celebrating fall. One of the standout performers of this season is Helianthus angustifolius, commonly known as the swamp sunflower or narrowleaf sunflower. This vibrant native plant paints natural…
The temperatures have started to take a turn for the cooler throughout much of Florida, but does that mean conditions are no longer ripe for mushrooms and other fungi to grow? Not so fast, says Matthew Smith, a University of Florida fungi expert. “Florida has two ‘seasons’ of different fungi, at least,” said Smith, a professor…