News & Updates

Equipment and Tools for a Commercial Tropical Fruit Grove

Jessica M. Ryals, Agriculture & Sustainable Food Systems Agent UF/IFAS Extension Collier County Jeff Wasielewski, Commercial Tropical Fruit Agent UF/IFAS Extension Miami-Dade County Next to labor, equipment can be one of the largest expenditures in commercial farming operations. Estimating equipment needs and costs will help you be more successful and efficient in your operation. Click…

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Be aware of these common toxic plants, experts say

Weeds and invasive plants can be a nuisance to a home or business landscape, and some of them are also toxic to people or animals. A new UF/IFAS publication details some of the most common poisonous plants found in Florida residential landscapes. Ingestion of poisonous plants make up only 3% of Poison Control cases, but can be fatal…

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Florida opens grant program for Ian-, Nicole-damaged beaches

The Florida Department of Environmental Protection sent the following information Jan. 31 regarding a grant program for beach restoration projects resulting from Hurricane Ian and/or Hurricane Nicole damages: For Immediate Release: Jan. 31, 2023 Contact: DEP Press Office, 850-245-2112, DEP to Launch Hurricane Restoration Reimbursement Grant Program for Impacted Coastal Homeowners ~Applications will be…

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The Joys of Growing Elephant Garlic

The Joys of Growing Elephant Garlic One of my all-time favorite vegetables to grow and eat is elephant garlic. While related to garlic, elephant garlic (Allium ampeloprasum) is actually considered a bulbing leek. Like garlic, it is in the genus Allium, a family of flowering plants that includes over 600 different species of onions, leeks, and garlic…

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Egg-onomics of Keeping Backyard Chickens

It’s no secret that the cost of eggs has risen dramatically in the past several months. What was once one of the lowest cost sources of animal protein has now become fodder for internet memes with people making hyperbolic comparisons between the cost of an egg and the cost of a diamond engagement ring! As…

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A Natural Disaster Can Significantly Impact a Family’s Financial Life

A natural disaster can significantly impact a family’s financial life. For example, in the aftermath of a hurricane, flood, or other incident, families often face skyrocketing costs for repairs and replacements that can significantly disrupt their finances. According to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), around 40 percent of households affected by a natural disaster…

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Insight to Managing Cockroaches in a Multi-family Dwelling

Occasionally our Extension Office receives phone calls from apartment and condominium owners concerned about cockroach populations in their apartment and their apartment complex.  All it takes is one resident or one vendor to unknowingly introduce German or American cockroaches to a building. If the cockroaches are not identified and treated quickly, a problem typically emerges. …

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New Episode form Naturally Florida, “Winter in Florida”

People don’t often think of Florida when they think of winter, but  a  lot that happens in the natural world.  There are birds migrating, leaves falling, animals finding mates, and much more! In this episode, we explore the exciting world of winter in Florida. New Episode from Naturally Florida Naturally Florida (a podcast about Florida’s…

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What do you wear to a prescribed fire? UF/IFAS fire scientists explains

In honor of Florida’s Prescribed Fire Awareness Week, we talked with UF/IFAS fire scientist Raelene Crandall about some of the critical tools of prescribed fire work: personal protective equipment, or PPE. A former wildlands firefighter, Crandall is now an assistant professor in the UF/IFAS School of Forest, Fisheries, and Geomatics Sciences, where she teaches courses on the role of…

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