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Marigolds: Blooms of Cultural Significance

Marigolds, with their vibrant hues and delicate petals, have long been cherished in gardens worldwide. Beyond their aesthetic appeal, these humble flowers carry a profound cultural significance in various societies. Marigolds have become emblematic of a rich tapestry of customs and traditions, from their role in traditional ceremonies and festivals to their practical use as…

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Too Hot-Hot-Hot for the Datil Peppers

Introduction The datil pepper is an infamous hot pepper grown locally in the Tri-County Agriculture Area (TCAA) of Putnam, Flagler and St. Johns Counties.  Datils are a unique pepper in that they are relatively hot compared to other peppers such as jalapeno and cayenne peppers, but they are also packed with a sweet, robust flavor…

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Pretty in Purple

Dilemma: To Prune or Not To Prune in November! Are you tempted to cut or pull spent plants that have gone to seed? Isn’t a neatly trimmed bed delightfully satisfying and aren’t you dying to clean it all up after the chaos of this mad, hot summer? Wait! If you can. Some are putting out…

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Pasture Management: Importance of Soil Sampling

We can’t manage what we can’t measure. With an accurate soil test, a strategy can be made to solve even the most difficult of problems in our pastures. When was the last time that you took an accurate soil sample in your fields? You typically need to test your soil at least once a year…

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Steps on How to Utilize Cool Season Forages in Your Pastures

It is the time of year to start implementing cool-season forages in your pastures.  Our perennial warm season pasture grasses in Florida become dormant in the fall and winter months because of the shorter days, cooler temperatures, and frosts. Planting a cool-season forage provides many benefits to your herd. These grasses are usually higher in…

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A legion of common names, but all the same plant

A Stunning Cluster of Yellow Cestrum FlowersThe botanical name given to plants is always exacting in that no matter where you are in the world, the Latin name is used.  Common names associated with plants often get in the way and can introduce confusion, but they also can bring descriptive color at a glance inspiring…

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Florida Beekeeping: Tips For Splitting Hives

Beekeepers must have good management practices within their apiaries to succeed. One of these practices is splitting their hives when necessary to avoid the loss of bees through swarming.       A swarm of bees on a tree. Swarming is a natural process of honey bee colony reproduction. Photo Credit: Jonael Bosques, UF/IFAS Extension Hardee County.   What…

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