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Avocado Alarm–Laurel Wilt

In early 2002, somewhere near the meandering Savannah River, Georgia, a tiny female ambrosia beetle emerged from a wooden packing crate and flew inland towards a small stand of native redbay trees and began to drill. Two decades later and that tiny beetle introduction has caused us to lose well over half a billion native…

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We Are Developing a Game-Changing Technique to Save Strawberries

A warm welcome to Jingyi ‘Kini’ Cheng, the latest guest in our FSHN Research Journeys series, which follows graduate students’ research in the Food Science and Human Nutrition program at The University of Florida. Kini is a food science master’s degree student who is passionate about sharing the health-promoting benefits of fruits by extending their shelf-life and reducing food waste. Read about her…

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Design a Spring Basket Workshop

Hop into Spring with an egg-citing horticulture experience led by UF/IFAS Extension Levy County Master Gardener volunteers. This unique journey into creativity and nature provides hands-on instruction intertwined with horticulture and artistic exploration. March 13, 2024 10 am – NOON or 1 pm – 3 pm Levy Extension Center, 625 North Hathaway Avenue, Bronson. What’s in Store: Embellish…

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Cat’s-claw vine

At last, spring is here!* With the warming weather and longer day lengths, plants that have been dormant over the winter start to wake up. New leaves are growing on the trees, flowers are beginning to bloom, and if you have a loved one with allergies, you will have noticed that oak tree pollen is…

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Virginia Pepperweed – Wild Weeds

Wild Weeds – Weed of the Month Virginia Pepperweed Lepidium virginicum Virginia Pepperweed begins growing in a low-growing rosette, yet soon enough branching stems emerge with elongated racemes of tiny whitish flowers. You can easily spot this plant by looking for wispy white “bottle brushes” on the ground. The flowers are hermaphroditic, meaning they have…

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Reduce Food Waste: 10 Ways to Use Rotisserie Chicken

Why reduce food waste? This simple procedure can save you money and help the environment. It takes the farming and agriculture industry a lot of time and resources to grow/raise, produce, and bring food to your table. It is economical to avoid wasting food in your home and it feels good too. Check your refrigerator…

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Love Food? Check Out “Food Check-Out Week”

I will admit it.  I am not really one to “celebrate” all these new week-labels we’ve added to our calendars.  But I do like food and food statistics.  When I heard about “Food Check-Out Week” I knew I had to learn more. Food Check-Out Week is the time in the new year when the average American…

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Weed of the Month: Crabgrass

A winter lawn can often look like something out of the apocalypse – large patches of what resembles scorched earth. The cause is not a rider on a pale horse, but something his horse might graze upon – crabgrass. Once considered a potential forage crop, it is now a notorious annual weed that thrives in…

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Mining Bees of Late Winter

The mining bees or adrenids are often seen in areas of landscapes that have little ground vegetation and loose soil.  They are also commonly seen in North Florida turf areas while grass is still dormant. After mating, the female bee will excavate a very small tunnel in the ground that has several small cells…

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