Recently, the aphid species Sinomegoura citricola was discovered on mango fruit in a suburban area of Palmetto, Florida. Native to Asia, this aphid pest has previously only been recorded once prior, on citrus in California. As a highly polyphagous pest, they have been recorded feeding on over 80 host species including but not limited to: mango, avocado, banana, Camellia, Ficus, and a variety of citrus cultivars.
Adults are medium-sized, spindle-shaped, dark to reddish brown in color, and may resemble other commonly occurring aphid pests in Florida. A helpful identifying feature of this pest is the long, black cauda (tails) present at the posterior region of the abdomen. Furthermore, this is the only aphid species currently recorded in North America that is known to infest mango fruit.

Experts have currently indicated that this aphid species may not become a serious pest, as even after it’s initial discovery in California no subsequent colonies were ever reported. Still, it’s potential impacts, climactic and therefore geographic limitations, and complete host range are still unclear.
If you believe you have come across Sinomegoura citricola, try to collect adults gently, using a paint brush if possible, and submit a sample for further identification to FDACS-DPI.
For more information on this pest and it’s discovery in North America, be sure to check out the following link: FDACS-DPI Sinomegoura citricola.
Source: UF/IFAS Pest Alert