Tag: news

Weekly “What is it?”: NISAW

      A pond near Bayou Chico in Pensacola covered with Giant Salvinia. Photo: Escambia County Division of Natural Resources Like the setting of a campy sci-fi movie, alien invaders are all around us. Often innocuous looking or even possessing vibrant colors and attractive features, they slowly creep into our communities and make themselves at home.…

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UF/IFAS invasion science leader visits biocontrol lab as part of National Invasion Species Awareness Week

  Dr. Matthew ThomasFORT PIERCE, Fla.—To usher in National Invasive Species Awareness Week, scientists in Florida—the epicenter of invasive plant and insect infestations—will host Matthew Thomas, a leader who was hired to head the more than 120 researchers working with invasive species statewide. Thomas directs the UF/IFAS Invasion Science Research Institute, the university’s young…

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Florida’s citrus industry still a vital economic force in state

Despite challenges from diseases, land development trends and extreme weather, Florida’s citrus industry contributed $6.935 billion to the state’s economy in 2020-21. A just-released report from University of Florida economists, “2020-2021 Economic Contributions of the Florida Citrus Industry,” estimated the economic contributions for the most recent citrus marketing season for which data are available. Citrus…

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How to Maintain PPE

Have you checked your PPE kit lately?   In honor of pesticide safety month, here is a reminder to go through and check your PPE kit – particularly the items you don’t use very often. Checking your PPE frequently will help ensure that you know How to Maintain PPE so it can always protect you. …

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Landscape Professionals: Add “Certified Florida-Friendly Landscaper” to Your Resume

If you do landscape maintenance, or own a landscape design company, perhaps you strive to be a cut above the rest?  If so, then becoming a Florida-Friendly landscaping professional may be for you! The Florida-Friendly Landscaping™ Program offers a Florida-Friendly Landscaping™ Certified Professional (FFLCP) designation to individuals who have completed the required training in FFL principles and are familiar with…

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No Mow March Events from UF/IFAS Extension in NW FL

Need an excuse to not mow your lawn in March? UF/IFAS Extension agents in the Florida Panhandle are asking residents to skip their soon-to-be-weekly outdoor chore until the calendar flips to April. The idea for “No Mow March” is borrowed from “No Mow May,” a concept begun in the United Kingdom that has now spread…

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Weekly “What is it?”: Bycatch Reduction Devices

Weekly “What is it?”: Bycatch Reduction Devices  The US Department of Commerce’s official “dolphin safe” logo, used on tuna cans to indicate verified safe fishing practices. Courtesy of NOAAIf you’ve ever spent any time fishing, you know it’s rare to catch exactly what you want on the first bite. Even more so, when large nets…

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Weeping Bottlebrush Poses Invasiveness Risk in Florida

Bottlebrush: Florida Friendly or Foe? Bottlebrush is a common plant in the landscapes of Florida; you may know it for its showy red blooms that, resembling bottlebrushes, coined the tree’s name. Although it thrives in both south and central Florida, bottlebrush is native to Australia, which is also home of the extremely invasive Australian Pine…

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