Tag: pests

Don’t Throw Away that Christmas Cactus

Now that Christmas is over, What do we do with the gift plants?    We know that the poinsettia is worth keeping, but what about the Christmas Cactus?  Can it survive after Christmas? Good News! Christmas cactus is not too hard to grow. You just need to know what it needs. It is usually grown…

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Under Threat: Wonders of a Watery World

Each year on December 4th, we celebrate World Wildlife Conservation Day. This day serves as a reminder of the urgent need to protect and conserve all of the unique and invaluable wildlife that live in our ecosystems. In honor of World Wildlife Conservation Day, follow along with Extension as we highlight animals from Florida’s threatened and endangered…

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Snakes on the Move

If you have new wild friends visiting you, it is likely that you can thank the heavy rains that we have been getting. Many animals, including snakes, are looking for higher ground. Be aware of your surroundings and watch where you step. During these wet periods, animals are out looking for dry areas and shelter.…

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New Year’s Resolution: Eating Healthier and Staying Fit

Written by Samantha Walter-Cano, Edited by Olivia Zugay As New Year’s Eve approaches, let’s discuss one of the most frequently made resolutions and ways to stay motivated in achieving it. According to various sources, the most popular New Year’s resolution is to get fit and eat healthily. Despite the popularity of this resolution, it can be…

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Move over rosemary, it’s time for cilantro!

This month, you will see and hear a lot about rosemary. Rightfully so! It makes for a great festive and aromatic gift during the holidays. It has a lot of positives going for it: Rosemary plants can be enjoyed for years. Rosemary has varied culinary uses in your kitchen. You can use rosemary sprigs to…

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No Spend January

Have you heard of “No Spend January”?  Or any kind of “No Spend” month?  It’s simply a challenge where you only spend money on essentials, such as housing, groceries, car payment, and so on.  The nonessentials, such as getting your nails done, ordering a latte, and going out to eat are all things you would…

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Navigating Your Next Garden Adventure

Sarasota County is robust with green growing spaces. And, they’ve become easier to find and explore, with our new gardens story map. The story map—an online, interactive tool— showcases the demonstration and community gardens in our extension program. The tool highlights a range of gardens located at Sarasota County libraries and parks, sharing a little of…

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