Countless species of flora and fauna have been lost in what is now being labeled as the Anthropocene extinction event. Fortunately, two local species have not only escaped from the brink of extinction but have rebounded as humans have improved our behavior. This success story holds valuable lessons in how we can save other imperiled …
This year’s UF/IFAS Extension Collier County Annual Mango Morning class partnered with the Florida Forest Service to teach participants how to properly plant and prune mango trees. After an indoor lecture, we took 50 class participants into the Collier Extension Fruit Grove to pick up some tools and try out the techniques for themselves.
When tropical fruit trees…
One of my favorite parts of living in Florida is having more access to tropical fruit. The classic sweetness of mango, the distinct and delicate flavors of guava and papaya, and the almost chocolaty taste of sapodilla are simple yet profound delights. These delicious fruits are also versatile, and can be enjoyed on their own, with…
Honey beekeeping management practices for your Florida apiary in August: This beekeeping calendar is a tool for all beekeepers in Florida, small scale to commercial operations. This calendar is meant to be a reference point for beekeeping management and is not comprehensive. The check-list can be used to identify management issues or concerns in…
Power is a great luxury enjoyed by many. This is true especially in the Florida summer. We love our air conditioning, functioning fridges, etc. Any time the power goes out, it is stressful. Your house can get hot, your food may go bad, it is generally not a great time. One way to keep the…
Living in Florida offers a unique opportunity to immerse ourselves in the diverse and rich natural landscape. As we appreciate the beauty of our surroundings, it’s essential to be aware of the impact certain plant species can have on our environment. We will explore two fascinating plants that call Florida home – the native Coontie…
Mango day is quickly approaching (July 22nd), and these fruits definitely deserve their own day for their popularity in salsa, smoothies, and as a snack by themselves. However, be careful when you have extra mango, as they can attract fruit flies in your kitchen! Originally from the Indo-Burma region in Asia, they are known for…
Immature grape clusters growing on a vine.
While citrus trees have long been a popular choice for home gardeners, let me introduce you to the delightful world of muscadine grapes—a refreshing alternative that may just make you reconsider your planting preferences. Muscadine grapes offer a range of advantages over citrus trees, starting with their…
When snorkeling the grassbeds of the Florida panhandle encountering a reptile has a low probability, but it is not zero. Of all the reptiles that call this part of the state home, few enter marine waters and most of those are very mobile, moving up and down the coast heading from one habitat to another. …
Everyone has noticed the intense weather that crossed the United States in recent years. Tornadoes are hitting communities throughout the Midwest, but are also hitting places like Seattle, southern California, and even recently Pensacola Beach. Thunderstorms, though common, are occurring in waves. Typical summer days here in the panhandle include afternoon thunderstorms, but recently there…