Tag: pests

Planting Problems Continue in Home Landscapes

Several times each month, I am diagnosing shrub and tree problems in Escambia County that are related to the same issue, improper planting.  Symptoms of this problem can be slow growth, leaf browning, and dieback.  Sometimes under stressful weather conditions like drought, plants completely die. The trunk was covered with several inches of soil. Photo by…

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Tempest and Grove: Post-Hurricane Mangrove Restoration

Hurricane Ian made landfall on Sept. 28, and the vast storm surge from this event pushed extensive amounts of water into coastal areas. The mangroves that line our Florida coasts were in some cases completely submerged and the vast amounts of flotsam that floated into this ecosystem was left behind when the flood waters subsided.…

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Are Your Bulls Breeding Ready?

We don’t want to take guesses as to whether our bulls are breeding ready, we need to make all assurances possible that they are.  The herd sire contributes 50% of the genetic potential for the calf crop.  One bull that doesn’t perform as expected can result in significant economic losses.  Therefore, it is critical that…

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Winter Feeding Considerations for Beef Cattle

Throughout the fall and winter months, the talk of winter supplementation arises. Spring calves are being weaned and cows should be rebred. Fall calving is here. Not only is this a good time to evaluate your pastures in preparation, but you should be evaluating your cattle too. Evaluate your cow’s body condition score to determine…

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West Nile virus

An arbovirus…? What’s that? West Nile virus is one of many arboviruses in Florida. “Arbovirus” may sound like it must be related to the Latin word for tree: arbor. So it might seem like it should mean a virus that infects trees. In fact, it has nothing to do with “arbor.” Arbovirus is actually not an official scientific…

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A Landscape Guide for New Florida Residents

Photo courtesy of UF/IFASFlorida is an unique and special place. No wonder why so many folks from other states move here! If you’ve recently moved to Florida and are struggling to understand your yard, use the resources outlined in this guide to help you get acquainted with your new environment. Get to Know your New Landscape…

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How to keep food safe during power outages?

During hurricane season, it is essential to take the correct precautions regarding food safety to prevent foodborne illnesses. Besides hurricanes, tropical storms can also cause power outages for an undetermined time.        Learn nine practical tips on how to prepare for possible outages: Plan for a three-day supply of non-perishable food, pet food,…

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November First Friday with Florida First Detector

Recap of November First Friday with Florida First Detector On November 4th, we dove into the basics on fruit flies. We focused specifically on true fruit flies in the family Tephritidae. These fruit flies have unique wings, often with a visible pattern. Females can have a long ovipositor which helps them lay eggs into fruit.…

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Preparing for Subtropical Storm Nicole

Nov. 7, 2022 (12 PM) — The National Hurricane Center has released its latest advisory for Subtropical Storm Nicole: https://www.nhc.noaa.gov/graphics_at2.shtml?start#contents. Nicole is expected to strengthen to a tropical storm or possibly a hurricane, bringing storm surge, heavy rains and flooding to Florida beginning Wednesday. I encourage everyone to pay close attention to this storm and take…

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