Tag: pests

Pesticides and Pets: Is My Cat or Dog Safe?

When considering your home, pesticides, and pets, have you ever wondered, “Is my cat or dog safe?” Monday, August 8th is International Cat Day. In honor of our furry goblin overlords, this week’s blog is about their safety. For many of us, our pets are a part of the family. We want to keep them safe,…

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Wildlife on the Beach in August

It has been a few months since we have posted an article on the changing wildlife over the course of a year on our barrier islands.  I took the month of June off and just could not schedule a hike in July.  But it is now August, and we DID get out this week. This…

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Keeping Backyard Chickens

In-person class in Osceola County, FL: Keeping Backyard Chickens  Thursday, August 18, 2022 6:00pm-8:00pm Kissimmee, FL (this is an in-person class) Learn how to keep chickens for fun and egg production. Topics covered include: Chicken breeds Raising chicks Designing coops and pens Chicken health and nutrition This class meets the educational…

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Beekeeping class

Free, online class: Beekeeping: Is it for me? Wednesday, September 14, 2022 6:00pm-8:00pm Eastern Time Find out if beekeeping would be a good hobby or business for you! We cover the basic considerations for potential beekeepers: startup costs, legal aspects, space needs, physical requirements, risks, equipment needed, and time requirements for hive maintenance. Presented by…

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Pesticides and Pets: Is My Cat or Dog Safe?

When considering your home, pesticides, and pets, have you ever wondered, “Is my cat or dog safe?” Monday, August 8th is International Cat Day. In honor of our furry goblin overlords, this week’s blog is about their safety. For many of us, our pets are a part of the family. We want to keep them safe,…

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Problematic Pasture Weeds

The definition of a weed is a plant growing where it is not wanted. Weeds in a pasture can limit productivity, reduce forage growth, and cause livestock harm. Weeds and forage grasses are constantly competing for resource and can be costly for producers. Characteristics that make up a good plant consists of a preferred perennial…

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Wild About Florida Native Plants – Firebush

Why am I “wild” about Florida native plants…….because they are the original settlers who came from all  over the world and found a home in Florida.  They decided that Florida was the perfect place to call home.  Native plants are a good choice for the Florida gardener who wants to work less in the garden,…

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Carolina Redroot – Wild Weeds

Wild Weeds – Weed of the Month Lachnanthes caroliana Carolina Redroot (photo by Joseph Tauscher) Carolina redroot is a perennial herbaceous wildflower that occurs naturally in wet flatwoods, marshes, bogs, dome swamps, savannas, and coastal swales. Blooms of this plant are a creamy whitish-yellow and are borne in fan-like terminal clusters atop erect stems. The plant…

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Preparing to Weather a Financial Storm

Recent economic indicators are not positive. Our financial forecasters are seeing storm clouds of inflation and higher interest rates forming. While it all may not be doom and gloom, we might be smart to start preparing to weather a financial storm. Know Where You Stand Now is a good time to take a snapshot of…

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